2018 is coming quickly to a close, and as the end of the year approaches, it’s a good time for you to consider non-profit giving (if you haven’t already). Hopefully at some point this year, you have given to a non-profit in some capacity, be it random donations, membership dues, or your time and energy by way of volunteering.
Giving monetarily before the end of the year has multiple benefits, both financially and otherwise. We’re here to not only remind you to kick your non-profit giving into gear, but also to recommend some lovely non-profits we know who could really benefit from and appreciate your generous donation.
1. What’s in it for me financially?
Well, for starters, donations to registered 501(c)(3) non-profits are tax deductible, so you can reduce your taxable income with every donation. Ron Swanson of Parks and Rec has his own line of reasoning behind disliking taxes, and whether or not you agree with his thinking, most would agree that it’s nice to have more control over where your money goes. By giving to non-profits, you can write off your donations, thus reducing the amount that you have to pay taxes on at the end of the year, and ensuring that the money goes into the hands of the people or causes you care about.
2. What else is in it for me?
Aside from the financial benefits, there are plenty of intangible benefits of non-profit giving as well. Have you ever lended a hand to someone in need? Perhaps you’ve helped an elderly person carry their groceries, or paid for the car behind you in the drive thru, or maybe you successfully suppressed a laugh when a stranger slipped on the ice in front of you (this is a low bar to clear, but I’m trying to be inclusive here). The point is – what sort of feeling do you get after doing a good deed? It’s typically very fulfilling and rewarding!
That’s what it feels like to give to a charity. When you’re generous and help others, it makes them feel good and it makes you feel good. Plus, if you have kids, leading by example in your generosity will instill in them a desire to be generous and helpful to those around them, which is a mindset that seems to be dwindling fast in today’s culture. Keep the giving going, and promote generosity in yourself, your community, and your family.
3. Fine, you win. Who should I give to?
While we support mostly any non-profit giving, we must say that there are a few that are especially near and dear to our hearts. Below is a list of some wonderful non-profit clients we have, which all accept online donations. If you’re so inclined, take a moment to look at these non-profit websites, read more about their missions, and please consider giving this holiday season:
- 4C’s Community Coordinated Childcare
- Camp Bangarang
- Community Foundation of Greater Muscatine
- The Crisis Center of Johnson County
- Flickinger Learning Center
- Musser Public Library
- Rebuilding Together Muscatine County
We hope you’ll consider giving generously to one of the above non-profits, or to any other non-profit of your choice. ‘Tis the season of giving, after all!