Over the course of the last nine years, we’ve built more non-profit websites than any other single industry. We don’t necessarily label ourselves as non-profit website builders, but we’ve essentially become that by default.
While we do work for lots of organizations and many industries, we have a special affinity for non-profits. We commonly find that their missions, values, and principles align well with how we like to run our business. Honesty, helpfulness, and high-quality service are at the forefront of what they do, and we consider ourselves to be driven by those same motives.
But what have we learned about non-profits? What makes us a uniquely good fit for your non-profit’s next website project? Here are a few of the things we’ve learned and ways we’ve adapted to be the best possible fit for non-profit web design projects:
1.Non-profits require more flexibility.
Non-profits rely heavily on various revenue sources such as grants, donations, and sponsorships to fund themselves. This means that every need or desire they have that requires funding will undergo scrutiny from the organization’s management and board members in order to get approved.
Unfortunately, due to the scrutiny of every penny that gets spent, non-profit websites (and marketing in general) end up getting pushed aside in favor of the more pressing needs.
We get it!
A website seems more like a luxury than a necessity much of the time, especially when money could be allocated to helping people, which is commonly the mission of non-profits.
The truth is – websites are still incredibly important. They are the face of the non-profit to so many people who may not otherwise get to interact with the organization or its people. Not to mention the direct return on investment to be had through a well-placed donation portal surrounded by compelling messaging.
Since we know how important non-profit websites are, and how difficult it can be to get websites cleared in the budget meeting with their board and management, we provide increased flexibility in working with non-profits. We not only work to meet their needs within their available budgets, but we also adjust the billing of our projects to best meet their needs. If we need to separate payments out so that it straddles the fiscal year – no problem. Break up the cost into more payments of smaller chunks – sure thing.
The point is – we understand where non-profits are coming from and what challenges they face, and we’re happy to be flexible to make things work.
2. Non-profits work on a different timeline than most organizations.
As mentioned previously, budget decisions often go through intense (and elongated) scrutiny from their boards. That’s why we not only bend over backwards to make the budget and payment plan work for the organization, but we also realize that these decisions take time.
We’re never pushy toward our non-profit websites prospects. We know that there are a million other things going on, and board meetings only happen every so often. From time to time, the board meeting might get so “in the weeds” on another topic that the website conversation on the agenda has to get pushed back to the next month’s meeting! Guess what – we understand.
With many companies, we are able to have a conversation, shoot over a project proposal, and have a decision the next day or next week. With non-profits, we understand that from the initial conversation to the time that the board actually decides on the website, the timeline can often take the better part of a year – if not more.
We consider ourselves a “Thoughtful web design agency,” and part of that thoughtfulness is having an understanding of our clients and their situations. Go ahead, push the website back and back and back on the priority list. We’ll be here waiting patiently and excitedly for you when you decide to move forward on your new non-profit website with us.
3. Non-profits are passionate – and are a blast to work with.
Everyone knows that people don’t start or work for non-profits with any ambitions of getting rich. They do it because they care about a cause and pursue their work with passion.
We love that.
When we’re able to come alongside non-profits and help them to achieve their goals, it is one of the most gratifying feelings we can get. The reason we’re flexible and patient with non-profit websites prospects is that we know that it’s worth it in the end to be able to partner with a great organization and great people.
If you’re a non-profit organization looking to get a new website, we would love to work with you. We’ve built a wide array of non-profit websites (like this foundation, this library, and this camp for terminally ill children), and we’d be thrilled to add your organization to our portfolio of amazing non-profits we’ve worked alongside.